Synchronizing Your Biological Clock With a Schedule

What if there were an opportunity to make more value from each day? Even though we all have the same time frame but how we utilize this time can affect the things we can achieve. New research indicates that one method to get more done in your day is to align your biological clock with your routine. If you do certain activities during high levels of energy and activity you could be able to increase your efficiency.

Your Biological Clock

The biological clock is the one that controls the way you perform. This functions similar to an operating system, which regulates the timing of a variety of biological functions, from the time you sleep until when your reproduction occurs. Circadian rhythms control your the cycles of your sleep and waking. They also affect the energy levels of your body at different times throughout the day.

You may become more conscious of your body’s natural clock when your routine is in a state of disarray. Workers who work shifts, for instance have to constantly alter their flow and ebb in line with their schedule. Travelers might experience disruptions to their sleep-wake cycles causing feeling of jetlag.

It’s likely that you’ve observed that there are periods of the day when you feel more motivated. In other instances you may feel tired. However, research has proven that your body’s circadian rhythm is more than your sleep-wake cycle.

How It Affects Your Health

Circadian rhythms impact your cycles of sleep and wakefulness, eating habits as well as body temperature and hormone levels, digestion and many other bodily functions. As a result, your body’s internal clock could be an important factor in the overall health of your body. Injuries to your circadian rhythm can lead to health issues such as chronic illness, such as diabetes, seasonal affective disorder and sleep issues. 1

It is a good thing to know the impact of these cycles on your health will assist you in addressing any potential health issues and find treatments that could assist. You can, for instance, adopt lifestyle changes that will aid in getting your circadian rhythm back to normal. The doctor will also be able to help you deal with ailments that could be affected by your body’s natural rhythms . He can determine treatment options that include the use of medication as well as lifestyle changes.

The Best Time for Activities

The truth can be that demands from everyday life, such as school, commute, work social and work can cause the body’s natural cycles completely out of the balance. The way we manage our day-to-day activities can be completely opposite to our body’s natural inclinations.

The process of changing your schedule might not be an easy task however there are obvious advantages to changing your schedule. Alongside making the most of your precious time possible health risks. Circadian rhythm issues have been associated with a variety of health issues, including anxiety as well as diabetes. 1

When is the most appropriate time to complete certain tasks?


Your biological clock plays an important role in regulating your awakening and sleeping cycles. Things like your routines, your bedtime routines as well as your age may also play a part.

The body’s natural cycle of sleep changes with age. Understanding this can assist you in adapting your schedule to meet your sleeping needs.

  • Children who are young tend to be early risers, while teenagers are more likely to stay in bed.
  • As we age as they age, their sleep cycles continue to shift to rise early in the day.
  • Teens could benefit from taking longer periods of sleep before they begin their day while older adults may prefer to wake up earlier and fall asleep earlier.


Do you think eating at the right time be healthier for you? Research suggests that eating certain times of the day could have health benefits.

  • Consuming the right amount of food when you are at your best can aid in reducing your weight. According to a study, when mice had food intake restricted to certain intervals, they were protected from weight gain that was excessive and metabolic disorders. 3
  • Surprisinglyenough, research has revealed that the food you consume could play a part in the resetting of your body clock. It also suggests that when you are trying to adapt to a new routine (such when you’re working from home or traveling) and changing your eating habits can aid in resetting the body’s clock to be more in tune with the new schedule. 4

Limiting your food intake to a 12-to-15-hour time frame during the day may help. In addition, eating before bedtime can be detrimental to sleeping, so it’s ideal to avoid eating late at night. It is best to consider timing your final meal to be at least three hours prior to going to sleep.


The ability to adjust your workout schedule to be in sync with your biological clock could assist you in getting the most benefit from your exercises.

  • You may benefit from training sessions that occur during the mid to late afternoon. It is common for people to be at optimally and most protected from injury during the time between 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • You can do strength-training later during the daytime. Physical strength is also known to peak at the peak level between 2 p.m. between 2 and 6 p.m.

In the evening, it could be the best time to do yoga or other activities with a lot of flexibility. This is due to the fact that this is when your body is the most relaxed and is least susceptible to injuries.


You might also wish to change your schedule in order to make the most of your mental abilities.

  • You’re probably most productive during the morning. Research suggests that cognitive capabilities tend to be at their highest during the early morning hours. You may want to focus on the mentally demanding tasks before the lunch break. 6
  • Experts recommend the alertness as well as concentration levels decrease after meals. This is why you could have trouble focusing on the work after lunch meetings.
  • Concentration levels are typically lower between noon between noon and 4 p.m. It could be the reason why many people feel they require an energy-boosting drink during those times.

If you’re engaged in a creative project, you may be better off waiting until you feel somewhat exhausted. In a study looking at whether the timing of your day affects the way people solve problems, researchers had participants tackle analytical tasks at times when they were either at their cognitive highest or in a state of fatigue.

How to Change Your Circadian Rhythm

Naturally, not every person’s biological clock works similarly. Certain people experience peak energy early in the day, and others have more energy at night. Because of the demands of life, you may feel as if your body clock and your schedule are in conflict.

What do you do if your schedule is not in line in relation to the biological rhythm of your life? For example, early risers could be burning through their most energy in those early hours of the day, and become exhausted when sunset rolls around. Night owls on the contrary, may fall asleep during the most productive hours of the day. They might also are likely to stay up late at times that they are exhausted.

Tips for Adjusting

Here are some suggestions to create a more productive daily routine:

  • Set a sleep schedule: Set an alarm and then go to bed in the exact same order every night. You should wake up at the time your alarm goes off. No pressing the snooze switch over and over and.
  • Give it a few days:Getting used to a new schedule can be a bit difficult but, persevere until it becomes more comfortable.
  • Be aware of the energy level of your body: Try to arrange specific activities around your highest energy levels. Everyone is different and your energy levels could have a different rhythm.

A Word From Verywell

Monitoring the way your energy levels change throughout the day will provide you with a better understanding of when you’re most productive. If you find yourself feeling more alert in the morning, you should try to schedule activities that are mentally demanding at that time. Adjusting your schedule to more closely match your routine may take time, but it could ultimately increase efficiency and motivation.

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