12 Recommendations for stomach Ulcer

The amazing thing about ulcers is not how often they occur. Approximately 4 million American adults suffer from ulcers, and approximately 350,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Surprisingly, we did not receive them more frequently. 12 Recommendations for stomach Ulcer.

Every time you eat, your stomach will soak your food with acid to continue the digestion that begins in your mouth. The same acid that breaks down protein and fat is actually enough to damage the stomach and duodenum, which is the part of the small intestine closest to the stomach.

The only reason they don’t do this is that the tissue is cover with protective mucus. A spongy coating that resists acid attack. However, sometimes the tissue will break and form painful ulcers the size of a pencil eraser.

 What the gastroenterologist wants you to know

The common cause of ulcers is a stomach infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a corkscrew. A heteromorphic bacterium that can pierce the duodenum or stomach lining, allowing acid to damage the delicate tissues below.

Another common cause is excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. They can remove the protective layer of the stomach and cause similar problems. Fortunately, gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs usually disappear on their own within 1 to 3 weeks after stopping the use of tissue-damaging drugs, Dr. Samuel Meyers said. It is recommended to use antibiotics and other drugs at the same time to reduce stomach acid. 

“Unless the bacteria are eradicated, ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori will occasionally reappear,” Meyers said. “This eradication can reduce the recurrence rate to less than 3%. However, at the same time, the pain can be severe.” These gastric ulcer treatments proposed by doctors will help relieve pain and prevent ulcer recurrence. 

Put the orange juice on for a while. 

The doctor is not sure why, but—along with tomatoes and possibly grapefruit—can trigger the release of chemical messengers or neurotransmitters that cause pain in ulcer patients. If you think one of these foods may cause your ulcers, try to eliminate it from your diet for a few weeks. Then add it back slowly and see if you notice the difference.

For a long time, doctors encouraged ulcer patients to drink milk. They believe that the smooth texture of milk can cover and relieve painful ulcers. However, studies have shown that the protein and calcium in milk can stimulate acid production and make ulcers worse, Meyers said. 

 Don’t be fooled by the milk myth.

Calm down with yogurt 

Although milk can aggravate ulcers, yogurt can make ulcers easier. A research review showed that although these beneficial bacteria cannot eliminate Helicobacter pylori, they can reduce its level in the stomach, and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help heal the gastric mucosa. Probiotics or friendly bacteria in yogurt, such as Lactobacillus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, may be therapeutic substances.

It has long been called a natural antibiotic. Some alternative experts suspect that garlic can also inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori. In a laboratory study, an extract equivalent to two cloves of garlic prevented the growth of this ulcer-causing bacteria.

Ask your doctor about licorice.

Licorice is a traditional folk remedy for ulcers, and there is some evidence that it is cash. Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid, a compound believed to soothe and strengthen the lining of the intestines, helping ulcers heal faster. Meyers said that the average daily dose is 1.5 to 3 grams, but because it increases the risk of high blood pressure, please consult your doctor before taking this dose. Licorice is not suitable for long-term use, not more than 4-6 weeks. 

Eat more Although

gastric acid production will increase during and after meals, the presence of food in the stomach helps to inhibit corrosion. Eating can also increase blood flow to the stomach, which helps protect the stomach from digestive acid. Instead of eating 2 or 3 large meals a day, eat 5 or 6 small meals a day.

  Reducing life stress.

For a long time, emotional stress has been considered the main cause of ulcers. Meyers said that doctors now know that stress does not cause ulcers, but anxiety, tension, and a very stressful lifestyle will increase the brain’s perception of pain. If you already have ulcers or have had ulcers in the past, it makes sense to include stress reduction in your overall treatment plan. Everyone handles stress differently. Vigorous exercise (such as walking, running, or biking) is a great way to relieve stress at the end of a busy day. (Try these 9-morning exercises to start a stress-free day.) Others turn to more formal strategies to reduce stress, such as meditation, prayer, or deep breathing.

  Quit smoking People 

who smoke are more likely to get ulcers than people who smoke. Meyers said those you don’t smoke. Smoking slows the healing time of ulcers, increases the risk of recurrence, and makes the body more susceptible to infection-causing bacteria.

  Drink alcohol in moderation. 

Alcohol can erode the protective layer of the stomach, causing inflammation and bleeding. Meyers said that if you still regularly smoke or take aspirin, it is more likely to cause problems. For men, the daily drinking limit should be 2 drinks; for women, the upper limit is 1 drink per day. If the ulcer continues to cause problems, you may need to give up alcohol altogether.

 Drink less coffee

 Regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee will increase stomach acid levels. Coffee is unlikely to cause ulcers, but it can increase discomfort as the ulcers heal, Meyers said. 

Drink plenty of water.

 When the ulcer is “active”, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and always drink a full glass that you feel uncomfortable. “Drinking water helps dilute the acid in the stomach,” Meyers said. “Unlike milk, it does not stimulate the production of more acid.” 

 Using antacids to relieve pain 

To stop ulcer pain, doctors recommend taking antacids. Meyers said that during an ulcer attack, taking antacids is the fastest way to relieve pain. The antacid contains calcium, aluminum, magnesium, or a combination thereof. Aluminum can cause constipation in some people, while magnesium can cause diarrhea. “I recommend that people evaluate their general bowel habits and choose antacids based on this, as well as their overall calcium needs,” Meyers said.

  Try to treat ulcers with cabbage. 

Folk healers traditionally advise people to let them drink cabbage juice-UPS during the onset of ulcers. UPS. This may be worth a try because cabbage contains an amino acid called glutamine, which is believed to speed up the healing of the intestines. Some substitute experts recommend juicing half head of cabbage and drink it once a day. Eating the same amount of raw cabbage will have a similar effect, but don’t worry about cooked cabbage because the heat offsets the beneficial effects.

 Natural remedies for digestive problems.

 If you have ulcer symptoms such as stomach pain, “feeling a burning sensation or black tarry stool under the breastbone between meals or at night; ask your doctor to test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. You can pass blood or A breath test detects an infection. If the result is positive, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for 1 to 2 weeks. In about 97% of cases, the ulcer never recurs. People with ulcers do it long before other symptoms appear “Sewage breathing” is very common. If your breath smells bad, it may be because you are infected with Helicobacter pylori. Call your doctor.

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