Can Chia Seed Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?

Is chia seed water a magical potion for weight loss? According to supporters of Tikor’s latest viral health trend, drinking H2O-infused Super Seeds may be the key to avoiding overeating and ultimately helping you lose weight.

It really works. “Since June 28, the video has been viewed more than 12.4 million times, including a demonstration of how to make a so-called weight loss drink.

 Just mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with a glass of water (optional: add Lime), drink it 30 minutes before meals,” he said, explaining that they would increase satiety.

 He mixed his chia seed water, boasting that tiny black seeds are rich in fiber, protein, good fat, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

“Drinking chia seed water in the morning can stimulate digestion and improve bowel movements. Great for protein intake, heart health, bone health, blood sugar control, digestion, weight loss, and inflammation,” he wrote.

It really doesn’t taste much, but it’s not delicious. But if I drink it all, I know I will be full because it is too strong.”

What Does Science Say About Chia Seeds for Weight Loss?

According to the non-profit organization FoodPrint, chia seeds are derived from the Chia plant Salvia Hispanic and are named after the Aztec warriors, who use them as survival food.

There is no research on chia seed water for weight loss, and even for chia seeds alone, there is a lack of rigorous research showing that they provide this benefit.

For example, a small Brazilian study published in Hospital Nutrition in 2015 involved 26 overweight or obese men and women and found that eating 35 grams (about 3 tablespoons) of chia seeds per day for 12 weeks caused weight loss. In other words, this research is small and short-term.

However, adding chia seeds to your diet to lose weight may have some benefits. “Chia seeds are rich in fiber and help increase satiety,” said Tara Collingwood of RDN in Orlando, Florida. He pointed out that they are also a good source of protein and fat, both of which have a feeling of fullness and can prevent overeating.

According to the USDA, only 1 ounce (about 2 tablespoons) of small black seeds contains 4.7 grams of protein, 10 grams of fiber (an excellent source), and 9 grams of fat (almost entirely good fat).

What Are Other Health Benefits of Chia Seeds?

When you eat chia seeds, you will get more than one potential weight loss benefit. “Chia seeds are small in size, but they have more nutrients than you think,” Collingwood said.

 They are often called “superfoods” and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (from alpha lipoic acid or ALA, the plant form of fatty acids), antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc.

An earlier review published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology in April 2016 indicated that chia seeds contain antioxidants that can protect the liver and heart, and may help extend the life and help prevent cancer.

 The researchers also pointed out that as a broad source of fiber, they can aid digestion and help control health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.

How Do You Make Chia Seed Water?

If you still want to stir the chia seed water, Collingwood recommends soaking them in water for 30 minutes or until they have a “gel consistency similar to tapioca flour.

 There is no fixed ratio between water and chia seeds. But video bloggers on TikTok use 1 tablespoon of seeds in a typical glass of water. Although mixing chia seeds with water will not enhance the potential weight loss benefits of the seeds, it will enhance them.

 Tasty, not to mention safer to eat. (As previously reported by Time, when eaten raw or in excess, the top seeds may pose a choking hazard.) Collingwood suggests that if you don’t like to drink chia seeds. You can try to eat them dry on a salad.

Or put them in baked goods such as bread or pancakes. You can also add them to smoothies or use them to make chia pudding for breakfast or snacks.

Collingwood says that to make the latter. Just mix the chia seeds into your favorite milk and let it sit overnight. Add other mixtures as needed, such as fresh fruits, nuts, and sweeteners.

In the recipe for chia seed pudding, blogger Love and Lemons suggests adding 1 ½ cup of milk to 1/4 cup of chia seeds. Plus other delicious blends such as cinnamon and fresh lemon or orange juice.

Are There Any Health Risks of Drinking Chia Seeds?

Because chia seeds are rich in nutrients and contain a considerable amount of calories and fat per serving, eat them in moderation. According to the USDA, the typical serving size of chia seeds is 2 tablespoons, which contains about 138 calories.

In addition, because chia seeds are rich in fiber, Collingwood encourages drinking enough water or other liquids to clean them.

This will help promote digestion and prevent constipation, flatulence. And other digestive problems related to consuming too much fiber without water.

According to the Mayo Clinic, if your diet is currently low in fiber. Be sure to gradually increase your fiber intake.

The Bottom Line: Should You Try Chia Seed Water?

So, is there any point in TikToker to lose weight by drinking chia seed water? According to Collingwood, chia seeds can help you lose weight when combined with a healthy diet. He explained:

As long as someone looks at your portion size and pays attention to your body by telling you whether. You are hungry or full, Chia will make people feel full. It can help prevent extreme hunger and eat later in the day.

 They Not a panacea for weight loss. They will not burn extra calories or increase metabolism in any way.

 In addition, if you eat too much, you may gain weight; however, adding a tablespoon to the water. It can help you fill your stomach, avoid eating more, and provide other health benefits.

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