Cancer symptoms you should never ignore

It is important to understand the changes in your body. Whether there are lumps, changes in bowel habits, or bloating that you have experienced for several weeks Cancer.

Don’t just ignore them and expect them to disappear, because when it comes to cancer, “disappearance” does not happen. More importantly, the sooner you get diagnosed and treated. The less extreme your treatment may be, and the better your chances of long-term survival.

 Clare Hyde, Health Information Officer, Cancer Research UK, said. Due to the long list of possible signs and symptoms. It is difficult to remember which may be cancer and which may not.

Therefore, we encourage people to understand their bodies. And their physical condition. This is normal for them. If you find any changes or abnormalities, no matter what, you must tell your doctor.

But if it is, early detection means that the treatment is more likely to be successful. You are more likely to overcome the disease. “These are some particularly important signs that need to be reported to your doctor about:

Blood in your poo

If your bowel habits or blood in your stool changes for more than three weeks. You should see a general practitioner. Loose or frequent poo is particularly worrying.

Now, when we do this, defecation is the last thing most of us want to see with a cup of tea at breakfast. But we ignore the possible symptoms of bowel cancer at our own risk.

 If you have bowel cancer (it is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK). Bury your head in the sand to ensure that it will not disappear. Diagnosing it early will greatly increase your chances of successful treatment.


Swelling is a common but disturbing symptom that usually goes away on its own. We are talking about persistent bloating here, not the one that appears after a big meal and subsides within an hour or two.

 If you feel bloating for 12 days or more in the past month, see your doctor. This may not be a big deal, but it may be a sign of ovarian cancer. It may also be IBS or PMS, but it is not a self-diagnosis.

Annwen Jones, CEO of Target Ovarian Cancer, said: “Symptoms of ovarian cancer include constant bloating, always feeling full, stomach pain, and the need to urinate.

If you experience any of these symptoms frequently and it is not normal for you, be sure to see your GP.

Your symptoms are unlikely to be caused by a serious problem. But your GP is very important and can give you rest. Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer promotes disease treatment

Coughing and feeling out of breath

Every week, people in my office worry that their persistent cough is caused by lung cancer. This is not the case most of the time.

But if your cough does not go away, or if you cough up blood or have trouble breathing. You should always see a doctor. If you are over 40 and have two or more of the following unexplainable symptoms. You need an emergency chest X-ray:

  • Cough
  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite

If you are a smoker (or former Smokers)) Those who are over 40 years old and have only one of the symptoms. Should be referred for an emergency chest X-ray.

Lumps and bumps

Finding a lump in the breast can cause a lot of anxiety. It is unlikely to be breast cancer. There are many other causes of breast lumps, but it is always worth checking. “There is no way to check your breasts.

 It is about regular observation and feeling so that any changes can be detected quickly. The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment,” said CEO Samia al Qadhi.

Care. “Knowing all the signs and symptoms of breast cancer is crucial-it’s not just a lump that needs attention. Other changes may be inverted nipples, nipple discharge, or changes in the texture of the skin.

 Although most symptoms do not mean Breast cancer. If you find any abnormalities, please ask your GP to check it out.” Likewise, men should have their testicles checked regularly.

If you notice changes in the size or weight of your testicles, or swelling or tenderness, see your doctor.  So don’t be ashamed. To be honest, they have all seen it before.

Bleeding after menopause

Bleeding from anywhere is terrible, and once you think “that kind of thing” has stopped, vaginal bleeding is especially worrying. In fact, her doctor is likely to reassure her, but she needs to be checked.

 If the woman reaches the legal age, the doctor will say that the woman has had any bleeding more than 12 months after her last menstrual period Approximately 50.

 If you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT). You may be menstruating, but if you experience heavy bleeding more than 4 weeks after stopping HRT, see your GP.

All women are worried about cancer, but approximately 90% of PMB patients can be determined by proving that there is no sinister cause. Your doctor needs to rule out endometrial cancer and cervical cancer.

Some women have polyps, which are small, non-cancerous growths on the endometrium. Many other people are infected with PMB due to inflammation of the vaginal lining caused by vaginal dryness after menopause.

Persistent heartburn

Most people with heartburn, bloating, nausea, and/or sourness in the back of the throat have simple inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis). Which should be attributed to their discomfort.

Similarly, moderate to upper heartburn, sometimes related to bloating. Nausea and flatulence, the most common cause is inflammation of the stomach wall or gastritis. But if these symptoms are related to vomiting after a meal, the food will stick.

Swallowing, weight loss, pain in the front or back of the chest. Or loss of appetite when swallowing, it is important to rule out more sinister causes.

Esophageal cancer affects more than 8,000 people every year. Most of them are over 50 years old in the UK. Stomach cancer is not as common in the UK as in some other countries.

 But the number of people affected is increasing. Getting an early diagnosis and treatment can change your chances of long-term survival.

Changes to a mole

If you have abnormal skin patches or changes in the appearance of moles to rule out skin cancer, see a doctor.

Get to know your body and look for normal moles or marks so you know if there are any changes. In particular, if you notice any changes in the size, shape, or color of an existing mole, or if a new dark area of the skin appears, see a doctor.

Unexplained weight loss

In most cancer cases, other symptoms will show up before weight loss. But occasionally unexpected weight loss is the first symptom that a patient notices for many types of cancer.

In addition to cancer, if you inadvertently lose weight significantly, you should see a doctor, who may test you for type 2 diabetes, depression, or hyperthyroidism.

If you don’t get referred

It is important to remember that if your GP decides that you do not need to investigate, there is usually a good reason, and they should be happy to explain it to you.

 If I refer all cancer patients who come to see me to me, I might overwhelm all cancer services in my hospital without help.

I can often assure patients that their symptoms are caused by secondary causes, but this is not always the case. If I did not hear your symptoms, it is a conversation that we cannot have.

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