How to Get Rid of a Headaches or Migraine Attack Fast

It is estimated that between 50% and 75% of Medford people aged 18 to 65 have experienced headaches in the past year. Although most of them are annoying, some headaches are more debilitating than others. We have collected information on ten common headache to help you find a cure.

Differentiating Headaches

Many people think that headache is like this: headache. Although technically correct, the symptoms affect different areas of the head and vary in intensity.

Despite many theories, no one is sure what causes most headaches. If you are looking for a way to relieve headaches in Medford, please pay attention to certain aspects of your condition. This information will help your otolaryngologist diagnose and treat your headache.

The most common headache in Medford are:

Tension headache. This type of headache is characterized by constant pain or pressure in the head or neck. Other symptoms rarely appear. Experts suspect that they result from the contraction of the neck and scalp muscles due to pressure. Tension headaches should respond to over-the-counter pain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.

Cluster headache:

Cluster headaches occur in the form of clusters or clusters and occur with little or no warning. They cause severe pain, usually confined to one side of the head. With this headache, you may experience watery eyes, nasal congestion, and a runny nose. They often appear regularly, several times a day, for a long time, and then disappear for months or years at a time. You may feel restless and want to lie down. Cluster headache cannot be cured. It may have a genetic component, but triggers such as alcohol, cigarettes, high altitude, and food may cause it to attack suddenly.

Sinus headache:

Sinus inflammation caused by infection can cause pain and pressure. Stuffed nose, tears, fever. Sinus headache is similar to migraine but usually includes a green or red runny nose. They usually go away on their own, but your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if you often have severe headaches.

  • Migraine. Migraine is a severe headache that meets the following criteria:
  • It must have occurred at least five times before,
  • lasts from 4 to 72 hours,
  • is accompanied by at least two of the following:
  • One side pain, tingling, moderate to severe pain and interfering, worsening pain, or prohibition of daily activities

One of the following symptoms:

Nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. Approximately 20% of migraine sufferers have an aura, visual distortion, or numbness in their hands before starting the headache. Triggers include hormones, stress, and specific sleep or eating patterns.

Rebound headache:

Excessive painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or prescription drugs can cause rebound headaches. Experts believe that taking too many pills will cause the brain to enter a state of excitement, causing additional headaches. Another theory is that withdrawal symptoms occur when the level of the drug in the blood drops.

Caffeine headache

Anyone who has never drunk coffee may later pay the price for their violations due to caffeine headaches. When the body is refused to rely on a substance, it is a withdrawal symptom. Caffeine headaches are more common in people who drink five or more cups of coffee a day.

Ice cream headaches:

Ice cream headaches are also called brain freezing and are characterized by severe head tingling when eating ice cream or other cold foods or beverages. It is speculated that a sudden feeling of cold in the upper jaw may increase blood flow to the cerebral arteries and cause pain. The discomfort usually disappears after a few minutes; try drinking warm water to speed up the process.

Headache in the morning:

The headache on waking may be due to the medication disappearing overnight, causing a rebound effect. Morning headaches are widespread in patients with sleep apnea.

Chronic daily headaches:

If you have headaches for at least 15 days a month for more than three months. Your condition is consider chronic. Chronic daily headaches can caus by many factors, including overuse of painkillers, head injuries, meningitis, or tumors. They may also be the result of body pain signals not working correctly. Possible treatments include antidepressants, beta-blockers, antiepileptic drugs, and botulinum injections.

 Menstrual headache

Women who experience a sudden drop in estrogen associated with the upcoming period may end up with a migraine or PMS-related headaches. Over-the-counter pain relievers and magnesium supplements can help relieve pain associated with menstrual headaches.

Fortunately, headaches are rarely severe, but if the headache comes on suddenly and is very painful, accompanied by fever or a sudden increase in blood pressure, seek immediate medical attention.

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