How to help if your child has an eating disorders

Approximately 1.25 million people in the UK suffer from eating disorders. They can start at any age, but most often develop during adolescence. According to data released by NHS England. Although people’s awareness has increased, the number of children and young people suffering from eating disorders has increased by 55% in just two years.

Unhealthy control

This usually starts with a specific event. Such as giving up chocolate or abstaining from sugar for a month during Lent. Although it may be tempting to encourage this behavior to be healthy. It may sometimes indicate that the child is beginning to make little effort to be healthy.

Control your diet. McGregor added: “When the child is a full moon. He starts to make mistakes and then goes on or says he can try other things.

You start to notice anxiety about breaking some of the strict food rules they have established. Other signs include Concentrate on exercise, become more lonely, wear more clothes, and be unable to sleep.

Usually, your relationship with your child will start to be affected and will shrink back. Usually, only when the child’s weight starts to drop rapidly, the parents will first realize that there is a problem; at that time, it may be very difficult.

Prevent the development of eating disorders. McGregor suggests that if you feel uncomfortable with any small changes in your child’s behavior, sit down with him and try to open up.

Getting help

The most effective treatment is to combine weight recovery with expert advice. If there is no other treatment, it will not work. The first step is to see your GP who can refer your child to the appropriate mental health services.

However, waiting too long for evaluation and treatment can make parents feel isolated and helpless. The child is also at risk of illness. The mental health charity Shaw Mind Foundation suffered from anorexia at around 12 years old but did not receive any medical support until the age of 16.

 It took a long time to get professional care,” she recalled. Over time, Virgo felt so bad that she was hospitalized in the mental health department for a year. Her story is far from unique: people before they ask for help It takes an average of three years to wait.

The admission rate of anorexic girls under the age of 19 has increased by an average of 3 years. It has increased by as much as 93% in the past 6 years. So parents often need to intervene and deal with life-they are usually against this threatening disease Little is known.

The first thing parents need to know is that eating disorders are very complex and have nothing to do with food or body image. “The underlying problem is how children think about themselves and who they are really dissatisfied with. . “.

A hard-lined approach

In other words, it is crucial to fight restrictive eating habits as early as possible. According to McGregor, caution is not enough. “Eating disorders are manipulative, so children use soft methods to their advantage,” he said.

“Parents must be firm and set non-negotiable limits. This is very important. This means insisting on having your child sit with you as firmly as possible and eat healthy, balanced meals. Most importantly, if they refuse, there will definitely be consequences. Such as not letting them participate in sports or going to the city with friends.

McGregor points out that while this may seem harsh, allowing your child to continue his life without challenges will only normalize his eating habits and convey the message that it doesn’t matter if he chooses not to eat.

There are steps you can take to minimize conflicts. Focus on meals, such as involving your child in deciding what to eat for the whole family, plan ahead, stick to meal times, and avoid last-minute changes.

When I meet with my family, there is always an understanding, that is, “Don’t let people pay attention to the food on our plate or what other people eat,” said Virgo. Don’t stress your meal and don’t argue.

If you If you feel that you are not getting the help your child needs, or you are waiting for evaluation or treatment, be sure to seek support elsewhere. Beat and ABC charities are a good starting point; both have telephone helplines, a wealth of information for parents and teenagers, and a directory of other useful resources.

The 27-year-old Virgo is very healthy, thanks in large part to the support of his parents. Little things, such as a text message from her mother, can help her through a difficult day.

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