Is it indigestion or a heart attack?

In the UK, one person has a heart attack every three minutes, 30% of which are fatal. So the sooner help is provided, the better. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the symptoms or have indigestion and know what to do.

What are the signs of a heart attack?

When an artery in the heart is completely blocked, a heart attack occurs. This means that the part of the heart supplied by this artery lacks oxygen-rich blood, and the muscle is at risk of death without medical help.

 The earlier the treatment, the more power you can save. “The most common signs of a heart attack are severe, crushing, and severe pain in the chest,” said Dr. Andrew Archbold, a consultant cardiologist at BMI at Independent Hospital in London.

It is usually diffuse pain that starts in the center or left side of the chest, usually radiating to one or sometimes both arms or chin. “However, Dr. Archbold said, this is not a kind of pain.

You can point your finger and say, “It hurts here,” just like a muscle strain. It also doesn’t usually appear on its own: people who have a heart attack feel nauseous (and may even vomit), sweat, clammy, or breathless. Some say they have also experienced feelings of fear or doom.

Could it be anything else?

Since the pain experienced during a heart attack cannot be precisely located and is usually mild. It may be mistaken for other types of chest pain, such as indigestion or angina. Angina pectoris is an early warning sign of the narrowing of the arteries.

Your main symptom is chest pain, so when it first appears, you may think you have a heart attack. “Angina pectoris begins with fatigue but disappears quickly with rest,” Dr. Archbold said.

If your symptoms start while sitting still, do not slow down while resting. If you have been diagnosed) do not stop after using regular angina treatment, call an ambulance.

The symptoms of a heart attack may be the cause of chest pain. Especially if you have eaten a large meal or spicy food an hour before the symptoms appear. Dr. Archbold said: “Even doctors don’t always tell the difference without an EEG or blood test. But it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Does everyone get the same heart attack symptoms?

 About 10% of people have atypical manifestations. They feel chest pains, but they are not severe enough and need immediate help,” said Dr. Kamal Chitkara, a consultant interventional cardiologist at BMI Park Hospital in Nottingham.

 “This is especially common among people with diabetes. Because nerves sometimes change the sensation, the pain is not so severe. “Those who suffer from slowly progressing heart disease do not always have severe pain.

Dr. Archbold said: “If your arteries gradually narrow, your body will create new channels, called collateral branches, through which blood flows. These channels. When the narrowed arteries are finally blocked during a heart attack, they will still be effective and relieve symptoms such as chest pain. “

Do women get the same symptoms?

Women, especially premenopausal women, do not necessarily “continue” heart attacks as seen in movies. A study published in the journal Circulation found that only 30% of women have the classic symptoms of chest pain, and in many cases, this symptom is more painful than pain. Instead, they have symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, nausea, stomach upset, or back pain, which are extremely difficult to diagnose as a heart attack.

 It was discovered that extreme fatigue was the most common symptom a month before the onset. If you suddenly find yourself unable to complete regular tasks such as making a bed without rest, please see an emergency doctor.

What to do if you suspect a heart attack

If you are worried, be sure to dial 999-the main reason people die of heart attacks is not seeking help in time. If you suspect that you have a heart attack and can safely take aspirin, chew and swallow a pill (300 mg is best) because it may start to thin your blood.

Then lie down, raise your head, and wait for rescue Coming,” said Dr. Chitkara. If there is no aspirin nearby, don’t look for it. The effort of climbing the stairs to the bathroom cabinet may put extra stress on your heart. Keep calm and remember that help is on the way.

Once they receive professional medical care, most people who have a heart attack will fully recover. After a few months, you should recover and return to your everyday life.

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