Negative effects of technology: What to know

The world is closer than they’ve ever been before, due in large part to the rapid advances in technology.

While some types of technology could have brought positive improvements in the world. There’s evidence to support the negative consequences of technology and the excessive use and overuse, too.

Mobile phones and social media could cause physical and mental health problems. Including eye strain and difficulty in focusing on critical tasks. They could also trigger more serious health issues including depression.

The use of technology in excess could be more detrimental to the development of children and teens.

This article will find out about the physical and mental consequences of technology for health as well as. The ways to develop healthy habits with technology and to avoid excessive use.

Psychological consequences

Dependence or excessive use of technology could have psychological effects, which include:


Technologies, like social media, are intended to connect people, However, they can also produce the opposite result in certain instances.

Research study among young adults 19-32 years old found that those with higher use of social media were three times more likely to feel isolated from social interaction than those who didn’t utilize social media as often.

The search for ways to limit the use of social media like setting limits on time for social networks could assist in reducing feelings of loneliness for some people.

Depression and anxiety

The authors of the review in 2016 called a comprehensive review trusted Source addressed the relationship between social media and mental health concerns including anxiety and depression.

Their study revealed mixed results. People with more positivity in their interactions as well as social connections on these platforms were found to be less prone to anxiety and depression.

But the reverse was also the case. People who believed that they had negative interactions with social media and were more vulnerable to social competition had greater levels of anxiety and depression.

While there is an association between mental wellbeing and social media, a major element that determines the connection is the type of interactions users feel they’re having with these social media platforms.

Physical health effects

The use of technology can increase the likelihood of physical health issues, too as:


Technologies, like smartphones, tablets with handhelds, and laptops, may be able to keep an individual’s attention for lengthy durations. This could lead to straining eyes.

Digital eye strain symptoms may include blurred vision or dry eyes. Eye strain may cause discomforts in other parts of the body including the neck, head, or shoulders.

A variety of technical issues can lead to strain in the eyes, for example:

  • The Screen time
  • screen glare
  • screen brightness
  • the view too close or distant
  • Poor sitting posture
  • underlying vision issues

Regular breaks from your screen can help decrease the chance of eye strain.

Anyone who is regularly suffering from these symptoms is advised to see an optometrist for an examination.

The rule 20-20-20 for digital video viewing

When using any kind of digital screen over longer durations The American Optometric Association recommends applying the 20-20-20 rule.

In accordance with the rule, after every 20 minutes. You should take an interval of 20 seconds to glance at something that is about 20 feet from you.

This can help ease the strain on your eyes when you stare at screens for a long time.

Find out more about the rule 20-20-20 within this piece.

Poor posture

The way that people utilize computers and mobile devices could be a contributing factor to poor posture. As time passes, this can result in musculoskeletal injuries.

A lot of technologies encourage the “down or forward” user posture. That means the user is leaning in front and gazing down towards the display. This could put an excessive amount of stress on the spine and neck.

A five-year study published in Journal The Journal of Applied Ergonomics discovered a link between texting on a mobile and upper or neck discomfort in adolescents.

The results showed that the symptoms were generally temporary, but certain individuals continued to experience longer-term effects.

However, certain studies question these findings.

A 2018 study by the Trusted by the source published in The European Spine Journal discovered that the position of the neck when texting had no effect on the symptoms of neck pain, for example.

This study found that texting as well as “text neck” didn’t influence neck discomfort among young people. The study, however, didn’t include the long-term follow-up.

It is possible that other factors contribute to neck pain including the age of the person and their activity levels.

Correcting posture problems using technology could help to achieve a greater improvement in strength and posture in the neck, core, and back.

For instance, If a person finds them in the same place for long periods of time, for instance, sitting at a desk doing work, standing up regularly or stretching can help ease stress over the entire body.

Also, taking small breaks, for example, taking a walk around the office every hour can assist in keeping muscles relaxed and help avoid tension and poor posture.

Sleep issues

Utilizing technology too close to bedtime could cause problems in sleeping. This is due to the fact that light blue, like the light that comes from cellphones, e-readers, and computers, can stimulate the brain.

The authors of a research study from 2014 discovered that this blue light can alter the body’s circadian rhythm. The disruption can cause a person to be more difficult to fall asleep, or result in a person feeling less alert the following day.

To reduce the impact that blue light can have on brain function, individuals should quit using devices that emit blue light two hours prior to going to bed.

Simple activities to relax with, such as taking a bath, reading, or performing gentle stretching exercises, or bathing, are other options.

Physical activity is reduced

The majority of digital technology used in everyday life is very sedentary. The longer-term usage of these technologies can lead to the habit of sitting and is thought to have adverse health effects, including the following:

  • obesity
  • heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • premature death

Making sure you take breaks from technology that is sedentary could encourage an active lifestyle.

Other types of technology could aid, but they are not guaranteed.

Research conducted by 2017Trusted Source shows that active technologies like app notifications, emails, and wearable devices. That promote fitness may help decrease sedentary behavior in the short term.

This may help people establish healthy patterns and become much more physically active.

In the case of children

The brains of children are still developing and could be more susceptible to the negative impacts of technological technology as well as their usage than the adult brains.

review in 2018 of several studies highlighted the possibility of negative consequences for children who use different technology.

Children who are addicted to technology could be more prone to experiencing problems, such as:

  • poor academic performance
  • inattention
  • Low creativity
  • delay in the development of language
  • delay in emotional and social development
  • Physical inactivity and weight gain
  • Sleep quality is not great.
  • social problems, like social incompatibility, anxiety, and stress
  • aggressive behaviors
  • dependence on this technology
  • Higher BMI

The study also highlighted how important it was to educate children on how to engage with technology in healthy ways. By monitoring the time they spend using the devices and offering exciting alternatives.

In addition, a study of teenagers between the ages of 15-16Trusted Source discovered. That teens with a high level of usage of digital media had a higher risk of developing symptoms of attention-deficit disorder (ADHD).

This doesn’t mean that the use of digital media is the cause of ADHD however. It does mean it is that there is a connection between both. Further research is needed to understand the meaning of this association.

The authors of the 2015 study by trusted Source discovered that technology may adversely affect the health of teenagers and children of all age groups. Researchers highlighted the importance of caregivers’ and parent’s control of screen time for all children.

It is recommended that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children younger than 18 months stay away from screens for the duration of their lives and 2-5-year-olds should limit. Their time to no more than one hour per day of quality viewing in the presence of an adult.

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