In this post we will discuss about Screen time for children Parents and teachers alike are bombarded with news articles lambasting children’s use of screens.
The supposed negative influences of screen time range from cancer to screen addiction to shortened attention spans. Much of this concern is based on assumptions about screen use, rather than evidence.
It seems that every day brings a new scare-story when it comes to screen use, and the stories are all the more frightening when children are the users.
Screens are sometimes portrayed as inherently bad, with increased use associated with greater ill-effects. Thankfully there are researchers fighting the corner of science, arguing that we simply lack the evidence for many of these claims.
Parents may not always know what their children are viewing, or how much time they are spending with screens. Children may be exposed to:
- Violence and risk-taking behaviors
- Videos of stunts or challenges that may inspire unsafe behavior
- Sexual content
- Negative stereotypes
- Substance use
- Cyberbullies and predators
- Advertising aimed at your child
- Misleading or inaccurate information
Too much screen time may lead to:
- Sleep problems
- Lower grades in school
- Reading fewer books
- Less time with family and friends
- Not enough outdoor or physical activity
- Weight problems
- Mood problems
- Poor self-image and body image issues
- Fear of missing out
- Less time learning other ways to relax and have fun
Screen time and children: How to guide your child

With screens virtually everywhere, monitoring a child’s screen time can be challenging. To complicate matters, some screen time can be educational and support children’s social development.
So how do you manage your child’s screen time? Here’s a primer on guiding your child’s use of screens and media.
The problems with screens
Too much screen time and regular exposure to poor-quality programming has been linked to:
- Obesity
- Inadequate sleep schedules and insufficient sleep
- Behavior problems
- Delays in language and social skills development
- Violence
- Attention problems
- Less time learning
When your child has screen time, make it as engaging as possible:
- Plan what your child views.
Instead of flipping through channels, seek quality videos or programming. Consider using parental control settings on your TV and computers. Preview video games and smartphone applications before allowing your child to play with them. - Watch with your child.
Whenever possible, watch programs together and talk about what you see, such as family values, violence or drug abuse. If you see a junk food ad, explain that just because it’s on TV doesn’t mean it’s good for you. - Record programs and watch them later.
This will allow you to fast-forward through commercials selling toys, junk food and other products. When watching live programs, use the mute button during commercials. - Encourage active screen time.
Have your child stretch or do yoga while watching a show. Challenge your family to see who can do the most jumping jacks during a commercial break. Choose video games that encourage physical activity.
What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to Children’s Brains?
Consider this: Nearly half of all children 8 and under have their own tablet device and spend an average of about 2.25 hours a day on digital screens, according to Common Sense Media.
What is all this screen time doing to kids’ brains?
Early data from a landmark National Institutes of Health (NIH) study that began in 2018 indicates that children who spent more than two hours a day on screen-time activities scored lower on language and thinking tests, and some children with more than seven hours a day of screen time experienced thinning of the brain’s cortex, the area of the brain related to critical thinking and reasoning.
What is the right amount of screen time for my child?
The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends:
- For children under two years old screen time is not recommended.
- For children two to five years old limit screen time to less than one hour a day.
- For children older than five limit screen time to less than two hours a day.
How do I establish healthy screen habits at home?
Try to establish screen time limits and appropriate habits early in childhood, as it will be easier than setting them later when children have established patterns and routines. Ensure that everyone in your family understands and shares the same understanding of acceptable limits and content. Some tips:
- Be a good role model with your own screen time.
- Turn off TV during meal times.
- Turn off background TV when no one is watching.
- Avoid using screens an hour before bedtime.
- Choose activities such as playing outdoors, reading or crafting over screens.
FAQ: About screen time for childrens
When should parents stop limiting screen time?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents of kids and teens 5 to 18 years old place consistent limits on media use. Media includes entertainment (like watching TV or playing video games), and education (like researching a school report on the Internet). Not all screen time is the same
Does screen time affect children’s Behaviour?
In multiple studies, excessive screen time has been linked to school problems, anger, aggression, frustration, depression and other emotional problems.
Over-stimulation causes kids to have poor focus and depletes their mental energy, which often leads to explosive behavior.16-Apr-2021
How much screen time should a 5 year old have?
For children ages 2 to 5, limit screen time to one hour a day of high-quality programming
How can I raise my child without electronics?
Keep your children away from technology with simple steps like teaching them with real books, not on computers. Also, host your television and computer in your bedroom or office, and keep yourself unplugged during the time you spend with your children. As far as your home is concerned, it’s really that simpl
What are the positive effects of screen time?
Educational value and school-related homework and research. playing video games can improve motor skills and coordination. internet tools, texting, and shared video games are easy and fun ways to socialize and communicate