Stress Relief Techniques for Every Type of Stress

If you’re like a lot of people, you might find that some stress-relief techniques do not work for you, whereas others are effective. If a method isn’t working generally, it’s due to the following reasons. Either it’s not a good fit for you or doesn’t work for the circumstance.

For instance breathing exercises can be effective to reduce stress. However, they might not be sufficient to serve as the only method of coping for someone who is suffering from stress from a caregiver or chronic stress at work or other forms of persistent stress.

The number of ways to manage anxiety that selecting the best approach for your particular personality and circumstance could seem overwhelming or at the very least, more work than you’d like to take on when you’re experiencing stress. Finding the right stress relief methods that work for you is worthwhile.

Press Play for Advice On Resilience

Hosted by Editor-in Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast which features the legendary music producer and talk show host John Tesh, shares how to inspire yourself when struggling, the best way to utilize visualization to help you in a positive way and also the type of checklist that everyone should make for themselves. You can listen to the podcast below.

7 Highly Effective Stress Relievers

If you already have a few methods that work for you and want to add a few or you’re looking to change the way you deal with stress and develop an entirely new system the following list of suggestions can be helpful. These techniques for stress relief are organized according to different categories that you might be looking into when trying to figure out how best to deal with stress.

Acute Stress

Acute stress is the kind of stress that causes you to fall off balance briefly. It’s the kind of stress that manifests abruptly and often in a sudden manner and isn’t long-lasting, however it shakes you up bit and needs a reaction such as a disagreement with someone you know or an exam that you aren’t sufficiently prepared.

The body’s stress response gets activated when you are stressed However, you can reverse it by employing simple relaxation techniques and then resume your routine feeling less stress-stricken. These stress-reducing substances will help you relax and recuperate faster from stress that is acute:

Chronic Stress

Stress that is chronic is a type of stress that is likely to be experienced on a regular basis.  It could be due to the loneliness of a job that is difficult or a trauma from the past. The stress that you experience can make you feel tired and may cause burnout if not managed effectively.

When the stress response gets constantly activated and the body isn’t returned to a calm state prior to the next stress wave is triggered, the body could remain triggered for a long time.

Stress can cause numerous health problems that include cardiovascular disease, digestive issues, anxiety, depression and myriad of other illnesses. 2 This is why it is essential to manage stress effectively.

Controlling this kind of stress usually requires a mix of strategies, using some short-term stress relief methods (like ones for stress that is acute) as well as various long-term stress-relief strategies which ease stress. Different strategies for dealing with emotions and problem-focused strategies for coping are essential to manage chronic stress too.

These long-term practices will help you lessen the stress you might feel due to the stressors that are constant that you face in your daily life:

  • Building positive relationships A strong support network is a vital tool for coping. Support groups online are also excellent ways to meet people with similar problems.
  • Exercise regularly The research has shown that exercising can decrease anxiety and stress. But, individuals tend to take their exercise more seriously when they are trying to manage anxiety. 3 Getting regular exercise may help improve your coping skills and overall wellbeing.
  • Music listening Music has the ability to provide a relaxing background to daily chores. One study revealed that listening to music is effective in reducing subjective level of stress. 4
  • Maintaining an appropriate diet by fueling your body with the right nutrients can help in reducing stress levels overall because your whole system will perform better.
  • Regularly practicing meditation While quick meditations are excellent for dealing with stress in the moment A regular practice of meditation can help increase your resilience to stress.
  • Therapy online Therapy that is based on the internet is an easy and easy method to seek relief from stress. Your therapist may also help to develop other coping strategies that can aid in managing the effects of stress that are chronic.

Emotional Stress

The stress of emotional trauma is more intense than other kinds or forms of tension. 5 For instance, stress of an uneasy relationship is likely to trigger more physical reactions and a higher level of stress than stress of working too much.

It is therefore crucial to be capable of managing emotional stress effectively. Strategies to deal with, manage and strengthen your resilience to emotional stress are all able to perform well, and different methods can be used in different circumstances. 6

  • Music can help you Music can aid in relaxing your body and mind. If you’re experiencing stress you can listen to music you enjoy and find relaxing. There is evidence to suggest that it could aid in recovering from stress quicker. 
  • Try mindfulness Mindfulness is a great way to help you stay centered in the present.
  • Chat with someone you know relationships with your friends can provide different kinds of assistance. Apart from emotional support, your friends can offer guidance (informational assistance) as well as assist in completing tasks that you are having difficulty with (practical help).
  • Talk with someone who is a therapy Therapists can assist you in identifying the cause of your stress, as well as what strategies and methods can aid you in tackling your stress.
  • Writing in the journal A study has revealed that journaling can help reduce the stress level.  Expressive writing, for instance can help you deal with stressful situations you may be facing. Journaling with gratitude, that is about focusing on the things you’re grateful for, can be especially beneficial.


Burnout is a result of the continuous stress of situations that cause people to feel uncontrollable within their daily lives. Certain workplace conditions can lead to more risk of burnout with a lot of expectations, unclear requirements and a lack of appreciation for successes, and a significant chance of negative consequences if mistakes are made. 

If you’ve reached a point of exhaustion, it becomes difficult to keep your motivation up to complete the tasks you have to do and feel continuously overwhelmed.

In addition to the methods that can help you deal with emotional stress and chronic stress The following strategies will assist you in coming back from a burnout state or avoid it altogether:

  • Enjoy more from your job If you’ve have been offered a job that you do not enjoy, don’t worry, all isn’t lost. Find ways to improve your work experience and make it more enjoyable. You could, for instance, consider changing the way you view what you’re doing at the moment. Consider it as an opportunity to explore something completely different and acquire new abilities and experiences that could allow you to eventually get a job you be truly happy with.
  • Take time with things you like Don’t wait until life is calm down before you can begin your passions. Activities and hobbies that you enjoy are crucial to manage stress. Engaging in activities you enjoy boosts your mental wellbeing which makes you better able to face life’s daily challenges.
  • Keep an attitude in your sense of humor Make use of laughter to brighten your life and boost your overall well-being. Not only will it make you feel more relaxed at the time, but laughing can also increase your resilient to stresses. 10
  • Have a few minutes to relax A little time away from the pressures of your daily routine can make you feel refreshed and better prepared to manage stress. Breaks, whether they’re day of mental health, a vacation, or staycation–can lower stress levels and increase your ability to function effectively.

A Word From Verywell

Finding the most effective stress relief method for your particular requirements may require some trial and trial and. In some instances it is possible that you require various strategies for you to maintain the stress level at bay.

The good thing with these methods is that they can become more effective after you have made them a routine element of your routine. In the short term, stress relieving techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation are more effective if you are engaged in other supportive methods like exercising regularly and building a solid community support network.

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