Top 4 Digestive Causes of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain isn’t something to be feare. It may be felt immediately after eating, or it could remain with you throughout the time. Most often, it’s follow by vomiting, nausea, gas, and constipation.

Abdominal pain is a result of many factors. Many of them originate within your digestive tract, so the team of GastroDoxs can determine the problem and take care of it to make you feel better.

Here are the four most frequently cite reasons for abdominal discomfort and how we can assist.

1.     Gastroenteritis

Sometimes referred to as”the stomach flu,” gastroenteritis can be an extremely common cause of abdominal pain that is temporary. Because it’s often cause by viruses or bacteria which need to complete their course. The discomfort will subside in several days.

Consider a diagnosis of gastroenteritis if people around you have symptoms since gastroenteritis can be transmissible.

Other signs that could indicate gastroenteritis may include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Bloating
  • Gas

Most often, you’ll experience abdominal cramps that appear quite abruptly. If your condition continues for more than several days. You should schedule an appointment with our clinic to confirm that it’s not caused by a different kind of inflammation or infection.

2.     Constipation

Constipation is typically describe as having less than 3 bowel movements a week or straining to maintain regular bowel movement, or having a lumpy, hard stool that is difficult to move.

If you suffer from constipation for more than three months. It’s considere to be chronic constipation. The result of having waste accumulate in the bowel with not enough release is the pressure on the colon and subsequent discomfort.

3.     Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel disorder (IBS) is a condition that causes several symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea gas, abdominal cramping, and gastric bloating. It is also possible to notice that your stool is swollen with mucus. Most often, abdominal pain occurs due to eating certain foods and is alleviate by abdominal movement.

The condition affects the large intestine. It may be due to how your central nervous system operates and the muscles that line the digestive canal. IBS may affect the quality of your life. The flare-ups usually occur when stressed or certain foods like beans and dairy.

We can assist you in managing your IBS through changes to your lifestyle, including having plenty of water and engaging in regular exercise. Additionally, adjustments to your diet, such as including more fiber (if you’re susceptible to IBS with constipation) and avoiding food items that contain certain glutens and sugars, can assist.

4.     Inflammatory intestinal disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can described as a group of diseases that include Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Both of these conditions can cause abdominal pain and the possibility of rectal bleeding and fatigue, diarrhea, and weight loss.

These conditions can be because of a malfunction in our immune system. Both Crohn’s and ulcerative Colitis are severe, long-lasting illnesses that require expert treatment. We can assist you in managing symptoms and preventing complications.

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