Top 7 Helpful Foods and Drinks to Try When You’re Dehydrated

Thirst is a lagging signal. This means that when you feel thirsty, you may already be a little dehydrated. Dehydration is the result of losing more fluid than ingested.

Many things can cause you to become dehydrated, such as high temperatures, medications, digestive disorders, and overwork.

You may feel weak, dizzy, thirsty, tired, or dry mouth, or lack of concentration. Fortunately, it’s not just water that can save you. In fact, various foods and beverages can help you rehydrate. This article explores 7 good options.

1. Coconut water

When you are dehydrated, your body needs more than fluids to restore balance. In most cases, you must also replenish electrolytes lost in body fluids such as sweat and urine.

Electrolytes are minerals needed for important functions of the body, such as proper fluid balance and keeping the heart beating normally. Some of the most common are:

Coconut water is great for drinking when you dehydrate because it provides much-needed water and provides electrolytes and some carbohydrates.

This is very important if you dehydrate and cannot save more. It can also help prevent muscle cramps. For example, 1 cup (237 ml) unsweetened coconut water contains 9% of the daily potassium content (DV) and contains 45 calories.

A small study found that coconut water is as effective as sports drinks in replenishing water lost during exercise.

 However, participants more frequently reported that they felt bloating and stomach upset after consuming coconut water.

If you have nausea or vomiting, be sure to drink coconut water slowly. Drinking it can cause stomach upset.

In addition, check the ingredients to see if they have added sugar or flavors. There should not be only coconut water on the label.

2. Broths and soups

Like coconut water, broths and soups are high in water and electrolytes. This combination is the key to rehydration. In addition, bone soup and other animal protein soups also provide collagen. This is an animal protein that is important for joint health.

This is especially important if you dehydrate due to overwork; however, the body can also make collagen from many other protein sources.

 Remember, cooking for more than 8 hours will increase its calcium and magnesium content. These minerals are important for bones and muscles respectively.

Adding different vegetables will also increase nutrition. For example, a serving of 1 cup (237 ml) of beef bone soup contains the following electrolytes:

Important electrolytes must be replenished when dehydrate. Excessive intake can lead to heart problems and high blood pressure. Experts recommend limiting sodium intake to 1500-2300 mg per day.

3. Watermelon, honeydew, and other melons

Fruits and vegetables have high water content and are an excellent choice for maintaining moisture, especially fruits such as watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe. All of these have a high water content, and they are good choices when you dehydrate.

 For example, a serving of 1 cup (152 grams) of raw watermelon contains almost 92% (139 ml) of water. Cantaloupe and honeydew are similar, each serving contains about 90% water.

Your dehydration caused by heat, storing cantaloupe in the refrigerator can help you cool down.

 If you feel sick, you can also freeze the cantaloupe and use it for sucking. So you have an upset stomach, this method will inject fluid into your system more gently.

4. Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a raw tomato vegetable soup that is very popular in Spain and Portugal, especially in the summer, the main ingredient tomato is at the top of the list of hydrating foods.

 In addition to 94% moisture, raw tomatoes provide 9% DV potassium and only 33 calories per 1 cup (180 g) serving. Getting enough potassium is important to control blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

Tomatoes are a kind of fruit in botany, and people often treat them as vegetables in the kitchen. To make gazpacho, you can mix raw tomatoes with cold cucumbers, a slice of sweet pepper, olive oil, garlic, onions, and a pinch of salt.

 And pepper, you have a refreshing and moisturizing dish. In addition, since this is a raw soup, you can get all the water in these fruits and vegetables, otherwise, the water may evaporate during the cooking process.

5. Smoothies

When you dehydrate, milkshakes are a very customizable way to get more liquid. They are usually liquid-based, such as unsweetened milk, fruit juice, or iced tea, plus a small amount of fruit and vegetables, and sometimes yogurt is added to supplement protein.

You can also use plant milk or protein powder instead of dairy products. The result is a creamy, sweet, and refreshing way to replenish lost fluid.

Berry smoothies contain a lot of vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. This is especially important if your dehydration is caused by fever or infection.

If you have a sensitive stomach, try adding ginger or mint to the mixture. Research shows that this helps prevents nausea and relieve indigestion. If you feel nauseous, you can add some ice cubes to further cool the milkshake.

The smell of cold food tends to be small, and if certain smells make you feel nauseous, this may help.

6. Milk

A glass of milk provides liquid, protein, carbohydrates, and some fat. This is a good choice for rehydration because it contains many useful electrolytes.

 Here are some of the main nutrients you will get in 8 ounces (245 ml) of 2% milk:

It also contains a small amount of sodium, which can help your body retain more fluid. An experiment with 72 adult men found that after 3 to 4 hours of drinking, whole milk and skimmed milk were more moisturizing than water.

This is because the extra nutrients in milk, such as lactose, sodium, and potassium, can help your body slow down the rate of fluid absorption and the rate of fluid excretion from the urine.

 If you have poor appetite or nausea, milk is a good choice. If you are extremely hot, drink it cold or use it to replenish calories and fluids after exercise.

7. Tzatziki

This Greek sauce is made with yogurt and cucumber, both of which contain moisture. Yogurt has only a high water content (85%) and has many of the same benefits as milk.

 It also contains some probiotics, which are beneficial intestinal bacteria. Cucumbers also have a hydrating effect. It is composed of 85% water.

 If you make tzatziki at home, skip the step of filtering cucumbers. This will result in a smoother consistency but will help retain all the wonderful natural moisture in the cucumber.

Serve with cooked foods such as raw and washed carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber slices.

How to prevent dehydration

The highest-risk groups include children, the elderly, athletes, and people who work outdoors or live in high-altitude areas. There are several conditions that can cause dehydration, including:

certain medications, such as diuretics, can cause you to urinate too much Water, eat water-rich foods and monitor urine color.

It should be light yellow (like lemonade) to light amber. The darkening of urine is a sign of dehydration. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sodas, or sugary drinks, as they can dehydrate you further.

 If you have kidney problems, the foods on this list may not be suitable for you and your healthcare professional. You may need to closely monitor your electrolyte and nutrient intake.

If you are severely dehydrated, seek help from a healthcare professional immediately. Severe dehydration is a medical emergency.

The bottom line

You can become dehydrated for many different reasons, such as fever or indigestion, as well as overwork, overheating, or certain medications (such as diuretics).

 Drinking water is a great way to replenish water, and many foods can also help you replenish lost water.

When you are dehydrated and nauseous, try frozen coconut water, broth, milk, or cantaloupe. These also provide electrolytes to help your body balance fluids.

Other water-rich foods, such as gazpacho and tzatziki, can help replenish the water lost due to overwork or overheating, while also containing more flavor and nutrients.

Since thirst is a lagging signal, it is important to keep as much water as possible to avoid dehydration. If you think you may be severely dehydrated, seek medical attention immediately.

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