What to Know About Anxiety

Anxiety can be a healthy and normal emotion. If a person experiences a high level of Anxiety regularly, it could be a sign that they have a medical condition.

Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses that cause excessive nervousness, fear, and apprehension.

These disorders can alter the way a person feels and behaves, as well as causing physical symptoms. While mild Anxiety can be unsettling and vague, severe Anxiety can have a powerful impact on daily living.

Forty million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. This is the most prevalent group of mental disorders in the United States. Only 39% of people suffering from anxiety disorders receive treatment.

What is Anxiety?

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines Anxiety as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.”

An individual can identify and treat anxiety disorders by knowing the difference between Anxiety that is normal, and anxiety disorder which requires medical attention.

This article will discuss the differences between anxiety disorder and anxiety and the various types of anxiety and treatment options.

What is the best way to treat Anxiety?

Anxiety can be distressing, but it is not always a medical condition. Anxiety is ordinary and necessary for survival when someone faces worrying or potentially dangerous triggers.

Since the beginning of time, predators and other incoming dangers have set off alarms within the body that allow for evasive action. These alarms are visible in the form of a faster heartbeat, increased sweating, and increased awareness of the surrounding environment.

The danger triggers adrenalin, a hormone and chemical messenger in our brains. This, in turn, triggers anxious reactions in a process known as the “fight or flight” response. Which helps people face or flee potential dangers to their safety.

Many people find that running away from dangerous animals or imminent danger is less critical than it was for the early human race. People are now more concerned about work, money, family, health, and other vital issues. They don’t necessarily need to resort to the ‘fight or flight response.

Nervousness echoes the original “fight-or-flight” response. Which can still be vital to survival. Anxiety about being hit by cars while crossing the street, for example, means that people will instinctively seek out both directions to avoid danger.

Anxiety disorders

Sometimes, Anxiety can be more severe or prolonged than the stressor or trigger that caused it. You may also experience physical symptoms such as nausea and elevated blood pressure. These symptoms can lead to anxiety disorders.

The APA defines an anxiety disorder as “having recurring intrusive ideas or concerns.” It can cause problems in daily life.


Anxiety disorders can be classified as a variety of diagnoses, but the most common symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) will include the following:

  • Restlessness and feeling “on-edge.”
  • Uncontrollable feelings and worry
  • Increased irritability
  • concentration difficulties
  • Sleep difficulties have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

These symptoms may be share in everyday life. But GAD sufferers will experience them at an extreme or persistent level. GAD can manifest as unsettling, vague worry or severe Anxiety that interferes with daily life.

Follow the links below to learn more about the symptoms of anxiety disorders.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), categorizes anxiety disorders into different types.

In previous editions of DSM, anxiety disorders included obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and acute stress disorder. The manual does not now group trusted Source mental health problems under Anxiety.

Following diagnoses, anxiety disorders now include the.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): A chronic disorder that causes excessive Anxiety and worries about unrelated life events, objects, and situations.

 GAD is the most prevalent anxiety disorder. People with it are often unable to pinpoint the root cause.

Panic disorder: A panic disorder is characterize by brief or abrupt attacks of terror and apprehension. These panic attacks can cause shaking, confusion and dizziness. Panic attacks can quickly escalate and peak after just 10 minutes. A panic attack can last up to hours.

Panic disorders are most commonly caused by prolonge stress or frightening events, but they can also happen without any trigger.

 A panic attack can be misinterprete by someone who is experiencing it as a severe illness. They may also make drastic behavioral changes to prevent future episodes.

Specific Phobia: An irrational fear or avoidance of a particular object or situation. Phobias do not resemble other anxiety disorders because they are specific to a cause.

People with a phobia may admit that they have fear but not be able to control their AnxietyAnxiety. A phobia can be trigger by many things, including animals and everyday objects.

To learn more about phobias, click here.

Agoraphobia is A fear or avoidance of situations, places, or events that may make it difficult or impossible to escape.

If a person gets trappe, help will not be available. This condition is often mistakenly interpret as a fear of the outdoors and open spaces.

An individual with agoraphobia might fear leaving their home, using public transport, or taking the elevator.

To learn more about agoraphobia (an often-misunderstood psychological disorder), click here.

Selective Mutism: Some children experience Anxiety in which they cannot speak at certain places or contexts.

This can be despite having excellent verbal communication skills with familiar people. This could be a severe form of social Anxiety.

Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is A fear of being judged negatively by others in social situations or embarrassment. Here.

Separation anxiety disorder. Separation anxiety disorder is characteriz by high levels of Anxiety following separation from a person, place, or thing that gives you security or safety. Sometimes, panic symptoms can occur after a break.


Anxiety disorders can have many causes. There may be many causes of anxiety disorders at once. Some might lead to others. Others might not cause an anxiety disorder unless there is another.

There are many possible causes.

Environmental stressors include difficulties at work, relationships problems, or family issues.

Genetics: People who have anxiety disorders in their families are more likely than others to develop one.

Medical factors include the symptoms of another disease, side effects of medication, and stress from intensive surgery or lengthy recovery.

Brain chemistry is a term psychologists use to describe anxiety disorders. It refers to misalignments in hormones and electrical signals within the brain.

The withdrawal from illicit substances can increase the effect of other causes.


The treatment will include combination psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, as well as medication.

Alcohol dependence, antidepressants, and tricyclics.


A doctor may prescribe these drugs for people suffering from Anxiety. However, they can also be addictive. They are generally safe and have very few side effects, except possible dependence and drowsiness. One example of a commonly prescribed drug is Valium or Diazepam.


These are often used to treat Anxiety and depression. People often use serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), which have fewer side effects than older antidepressants but can cause jitters and nausea when treatment starts.

Other antidepressants include Prozac or Fluoxetine, as well as citalopram or Celexa.


This class of drugs is older than SSRIs and provides benefits for OCD and other anxiety disorders. Side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, and dry lips. Tricyclics include clomipramine and imipramine.

You might also consider these other drugs to help with Anxiety:

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • Beta-blockers
  • buspirone
  • If you are experiencing severe side effects from any prescription medication, consult your doctor immediately.


There are many ways to lower anxiety disorders. It is important to remember that anxiety disorders can be a regular part of everyday life.

These steps can help you manage anxious feelings:

  • Reduce your intake of caffeine and tea, cola, or chocolate
  • Check with your doctor before you use any over-the-counter (OTC), herbal remedies, or other chemicals that could make Anxiety worse.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Maintain a regular sleeping pattern.
  • Avoid using alcohol, cannabis, or other recreational drugs.


Anxiety is not a medical condition but a natural emotion essential for survival in times of danger.

An anxiety disorder is a reaction that is exaggerat or unrelated to the trigger. There are many types of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder and phobias.

The treatment involves combination therapy, medication, counseling, and self-help measures.

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