How Your Weight Affects Your Acid Reflux

More than fifteen million individuals living in the United States experience daily heartburn. Many of them have acid reflux disorder (GERD). The chronic condition could result in esophageal harm, in addition to the discomfort and burning sensations in the upper abdomen and chest.

Everyone can experience the signs of heartburn triggered by eating a big meal or having an unsatisfied stomach; however, GERD is chronic. The symptoms are experienced every two or three times per week and typically more frequently.

Obesity is the most significant cause of the condition known as GERD. If you’re overweight, you’re almost triple more likely with a normal weight to suffer from acid reflux. When you’re obese, the symptoms can be more painful. Here’s why.

Symptoms of GERD

Patients suffering from GERD suffer from the common burning sensations in the chest and the digestive tract caused by the upward motion in stomach acids. Other signs include:

The bitter taste that you can’t get rid of

Excessive pressure

The weight you carry puts more pressure on the abdomen. The fat accumulated around the stomach squeezes it, which means more fluid moves up into the stomach. This can increase the chance that you will experience stomach acid leakage and GERD.

The increased pressure makes the sphincter between stomachs and stomach relax, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Being overweight can make your body less effective at eliminating stomach contents rapidly.

If your pants feel too tight, it can make it more difficult to manage heartburn symptoms. Weight loss so that your clothing is less tight also can help.

The most effective way to lose weight to ease GERD

A heart-healthy diet can aid in weight loss and help reduce heartburn symptoms. Be aware of the size of portions and the calorie density. Eat until you’re satisfied but not overstuffed.

If it’s balanced and contains lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and unsaturated fats, your food is a good source of nutrients for overall healthy health. Make sure you do a minimum of 30 minutes of physical movement each day (more when you’re looking to lose weight more quickly) in addition.

If diet control and more physical exercise fail to provide relief, consult Dr. Pothuri. He will provide suggestions to help you kick-start your weight loss goals.

If your heartburn symptoms are a constant source of stress, keep following the smart practices to keep your symptoms at the bare minimum. For instance, avoid foods that cause heartburn, such as tomatoes, coffee, and spicy or fried items.

 If you’ve lost weight, certain foods might be able to tolerate once more – but for the time being, avoid them for now.

Alcohol and chocolate are commonly used as triggers for heartburn. However, they’re not helpful when following a weight loss program. Small meals are the best way to reduce your heartburn symptoms and keep hunger in check when you’re losing weight.

 Beware of late-night snacks as well. It’s not just a way to sneak more weight into your daily diet, but it could also cause heartburn if you get up early after eating your meal.

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