Top 6 Tips for Boosting Your Naturally Energy

Are you dragging on your day? Life is quite hectic, stressful and all-consuming these days. Here are the Top 6 Tips for Boosting Your Naturally Energy.

So it’s understandable to feel a little more exhausted than usual. While you may think reaching for a Starbucks or Red Bull is the answer, there are better ways to improve your energy levels naturally. Here are six natural ways to fight fatigue and boost your energy levels so you will have more energy throughout the day.

Here are Top 6 Tips for Boosting Your Naturally Energy

1. Catch Some Z’s

It seems obvious, but one of the first things that can help with exhaustion is getting a good night’s sleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35% of American adults do not sleep the recommended 7 hours each night.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine also indicated that 7 hours can also prevent adverse effects such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and performance disorders.

 Here are some tips for healthy sleep that will help you turn a blind eye:

  • Go to bed at about the same time every night; Wake up at about the same time each morning
  • Create the perfect sleeping space that is cool and dark
  • Limit stimuli in the room: turn off technology
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
  • Take a bath or read a book (physical, so that the light from your Kindle and iPad doesn’t interfere with your sleep.)
  • For other sleep tips, check out this blog with Banner sleep specialist Dr. Lee-Iannotti.

2. Exercise

While getting off the couch may be the last thing you want to do, exercise – even just a simple walk – can be a natural source of energy.

It’s not entirely clear from physiology, but there is a link between exercise and reducing low energy and fatigue,” said Jennifer Nelson, DO, internal medicine physician at Banner – the University Clinic of Internal Medicine in Phoenix, AZ.

Some of these may include the release of endorphins that trigger exercise, or the improvement in sleep that comes with regular activity.” The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate activity a week and at least 2 days of exercise to strengthen the muscles.

3. Limit Alcohol

There is a reason why some people call wine “sleeping juice”. But just one glass for lunch can contribute to your midday slump. And that drink before bedtime can make you toss, turn over, and wake you up in the dumpster.

Although alcohol reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and appears to improve sleep quality in the first half of the night, it significantly interferes with sleep in the second half of the night and affects overall nighttime REM sleep,” Dr. Nelson said. If you are going to drink, do so in moderation at a time when you don’t mind your energy running out.

4. Stay Hydrated

One of the first signs of dehydration is feeling tired. To combat fatigue, drink water throughout the day. This is 9 glasses for women and 13 glasses for men.

5. Watch What You Eat

One of our main sources of energy comes from food. The trick is avoiding processed foods, which can make your energy levels spike but drop quickly leaving you feeling foggy.

Instead reach for foods with a low glycemic index—whose sugars are absorbed slowly. Foods with a low glycemic index include whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, nuts and healthy oils.

You may want to consider taking vitamins, herbs or other supplements to help, but make sure you check with your doctor first. Some dietary supplements may increase or decrease the effect of your medication.

6. Find Inner Peace

While it’s not entirely possible to eliminate all stress from your life right now, it can be contributing to exhaustion. Take time during the day to clear your mind. Some natural energy enhancers are meditation, yoga, or tai chi to help you focus on mindful breathing.

If yoga isn’t your thing, talk to a friend, write down your thoughts, or speak to a licensed behavioral health professional. Doing some of these things can help promote better sleep and improve your overall mental health.

Still Feeling Tired?

While these natural energy boosters are great supplements, low energy levels can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, including hypothyroidism, anemia, sleep disturbance, or mental health.

Talk to your doctor if your fatigue is more than typical for your lifestyle, is progressing or even if you are unsure.

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