What does a right-sided headache mean?

Many people suffer from headaches that occur only on the left side of their heads. So The headache may associat with other symptoms, like nausea, fatigue, or visual problems.

Almost 50 percent of trusted sources of adults each year report headaches that make them among the most frequent health problems.


A headache that occurs on one side could be the result of:

Issues with the brain

Different brain issues may cause unilateral discomfort.

The following neurologic conditions could cause headaches that occur on one side:

  • Occipital neuralgia It is cause by nerves that connect the upper part of the spinal cord and down to the scalp (occipital nerves) get injured or inflamed. The symptoms include sharp pain at the lower back of the head as well as the neck and behind the eye. As well as pain and sensitiveness to light.
  • Temporal Arteritis Arteries of the neck and the head gets damage by temporary arteritis. So Along with muscles pain, it can cause an intense headache on the right side of your head. So Other symptoms include fatigue, jaw discomfort, and painful temples.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia It causes severe discomfort in the face and head. The pain is usually only felt in an area. An injury of the trigeminal neuron causes it at the brain’s base.

Medication use

Headaches can be an adverse consequence of prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. They may also result from overusing medication, which includes OTC painkillers like:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • aspirin
  • ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

This kind of headache is referre to as the rebound headache. So Based on the World Health Organization’s trusted source. This is the most frequent kind that suffers from secondary headache disorders.

Secondary headaches are a headache that is cause by a different health issue.

Headaches due to medication use tend to be the most severe at the time of waking.

Other causes

The other causes of headaches could result in pain throughout the entire head or one side.

They include:

  • Allergies
  • An aneurysm is a weak or bulging wall of the artery
  • fatigue
  • A head injury to the head
  • Sinus infections, for example
  • fluctuation within blood sugar levels due to the absence of meals
  • knots or strains of muscles in the neck
  • Tumors

What types of headaches can affect the right side of your head?

There are more than 300 different types of headaches, with around 90% of them are not known to cause.

However, a migraine or cluster headaches are the most likely cause of headaches that occur that are located on the correct facet of the head. A tension headache may cause discomfort on one side for certain people.


Genetics may be a factor in migraine headaches, so one type of severe headache characterized by the sensation of pulsation or throbbing pains in the head.

The intense pulsating or throbbing usually are associate with:

  • blurred vision
  • nausea
  • The sensitivity of the skin to light
  • Sound sensitivity
  • vomiting

About a third of patients who experience migraines have visual disturbances or temporary loss of sight before the onset of the pain. So The symptoms can last as long as 72 hours Source If not treated. The pain usually affecting only an area of your head.

The following causes can trigger migraines:

  • Bright lights
  • variations in the changes in the weather (humidity and heat)
  • emotional stress or anxiety
  • drinks and food items that include chocolate, alcohol, cheese, and the cured meats
  • hormone changes for women
  • loud noises
  • eating out and skipping meals
  • strong odors
  • tiredness
  • too much or not enough sleep

The earlier treatment you receive is crucial in reducing the duration and severity of the symptoms. Treatment options can include OTC or prescription medications. So Prevention is about avoiding triggers and taking preventative medicines in some instances.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are not common, but they can be severe. They can be cyclical. The pain is severe and typically located around the eye. It could also radiate across other parts of the face, head, and even the shoulders and neck.

Most people suffer from frequent headaches (clusters) for weeks or even months before the time of remission.

Other signs of cluster headaches comprise:

  • facial sweating
  • Skin that is flushed or pale
  • Eyes that are red or watery
  • insanity
  • nasal stuffiness or runny nose
  • The vision is swollen and itchy

Men are more likely to suffer from cluster headaches more frequently than women. The cause isn’t known; however, smoking, alcohol consumption, and an ancestor with a history of cluster headaches can increase the chances of developing the condition.

It is impossible to find a cure to the disease. But treatments can help reduce the frequency and severity of cluster headaches.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are among the most frequent types of headaches, seen in 75 percent of the population.

The majority of them are present on both sides. However, specific individuals may experience symptoms only present on one side.

Signs are:

  • A dull, aching pain
  • scalp tenderness
  • stiff or tight shoulder and neck muscles
  • tension or pressure on the sides, forehead or behind of the forehead, sides, or back of the

The symptoms usually last between an hour and can be moderate to moderately severe.

Sometimes, tension headaches are manage by using OTC pain relievers or at-home solutions. So Patients who suffer from frequent tension headaches might have to alter their routine. Discover and eliminate triggers, or even take prescribed medications.

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